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The bank of life

Daniel Marcovici
December 30, 2020
3 min read

Our most precious resource

Imagine that, every single day, we had a deposit made into our bank accounts with the total sum of $86,400.

A sum that would need to be completely spent along the day, because at the end of that same day, our accounts would be completely emptied out and the following day — another $86,400 would be deposited for us to spend. No savings, no planning, just spending.

Now imagine we were all clients of this bank for a day, for a month, for a year, for an entire life. Guess what? We are. We are all clients of this bank, and this bank is called time!

"Life, if well lived, is long enough", Seneca.

Everyday, we receive 86,400 seconds to spend, so we can live our lives as best as we can. Learning, trying, teaching, loving, falling, getting up — living!

Put it in perspective

To know how valuable a year is, ask a kid who failed the school year and will need to repeat it next year. To know how valuable a month is, ask a mother whose child was born premature.

For the value of a week, ask a couple in a long distance relationship, cause when they meet that's all the time they have together. For the value of a day, ask someone who earns their living in the morning to be able to afford eating in the evening.

For the value of an hour, ask a father or a mother who are stuck in traffic everyday instead of spending time with their kids. For the value of a minute, ask someone who just lost their flight to an important appointment.

For the value of a second, ask someone who avoided a dangerous car crash. For the value of a millisecond, ask the Olympic athlete who by a tiny fraction of a second was given a silver medal.

Sometimes, to really value something, all we need is to put it in perspective. I feel this is also one of the greatest teachings of 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Perspective.

Don't waste it

Do not waste time, our most scarce resource. Time is our most precious gift, and it is the best resource that we have to share with the people we love — our kids, our friends, our wives, our husbands, our grandparents.

Unfortunately, we only realize this when is too late, and the opportunities not taken can forever consume us — I had so many hugs to give that were never given!

We need to develop the awareness to be constantly living in the present. Of course we need to plan our future, but there is no point in dreaming about the future — if we are not actually enjoying the present.

"The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment. You create a good future by creating a good present.", Eckhart Tolle.

The real deal is right here, right now! Yesterday is already history, tomorrow is a complete mystery, and today is the real gift. Enjoy it as best as you can.

Bye 2020, hello 2021

Time is something we can never get back once it is gone. It’s the one thing that can never be stopped or changed. Focus on the present moment.

Despite the pandemic, 2020 has a been a reasonably good year. I believe to have spent my time as best as I could given the circumstances, learning, studying, exercising, being accountable, rethinking some of my beliefs, and creating this very own blog.

This is my last 2020 article, I wish everyone an amazing 2021 kickstart, and for those who are spending their most important resource here, reading my articles — a massive thank you! Hope it has been of value to you.

I received lots of cool messages from people reading my articles, so I will keep going strong — be ready for some cool ideas and see you all in 2021!

Daniel Marcovici
Productivity, technology and learning enthusiast, while still getting his fair share of chill.

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